Aquatera looking to expand international projects
An Orkney-based environmental consultant is hoping to expand its overseas work on the back of Scotland's lead in marine renewables.
An Orkney-based environmental consultant is hoping to expand its overseas work on the back of Scotland's lead in marine renewables.
HUNTLY residents will have the chance to view plans this month for a windfarm they would partly own.
Business leaders from across the north-east will be gathering on Monday for Robert Gordon University's 2011 entrepreneurship dinner.
A £1.2million training initiative has been set up to tackle skills shortages in the renewables industry.
A CONTROVERSIAL bid to build a windfarm in rural Aberdeenshire has been backed by councillors.
A PUBLIC protest against high road fuel prices in the Western Isles is being staged tomorrow.
ARGENT Energy Group, a waste-to-energy biodiesel producer, has secured a £4million funding package from the Royal Bank of Scotland and a further £2.95million from the bank's asset-financing division, Lombard, to help with its development.
SCHEMES to develop locally-owned community renewable energy projects in the north and north-east have been awarded nearly £2million in loans.
TWO Shetland boat operators, Delta Marine and Research Fishing Company (RFC), are investing more than £10million in new vessels to support a predicted increase in offshore renewable-energy contracts.
GREEN groups welcomed news yesterday of EU moves to rule tar sands as more polluting than conventional transport fuels, which they said could ban the controversial oil from Europe.
Renewables manager Rajini Sokhi discovered her love of engineering almost too late, after taking a roundabout route into the green-energy industry.
AN MSP trying to establish whether SNP ministers held talks with Donald Trump over plans to build a offshore windfarm near his luxury golf resort in Aberdeenshire has hit a brick wall.
GREEN Ocean Energy will not be the last marine power company to fail, an industry analyst has warned.
AN ABERDEEN-BASED marine-energy developer which was designing renewable technology to power offshore installations has gone under.
A WINDFARM developer yesterday denied claims that the land they want to build on could lead to a "catastrophic failure" of the turbines.
ONE of the UK's big six energy suppliers will hand shareholders a bonus potentially worth £50million - just weeks after increasing gas and electricity bills.
REPRESENTATIVES of a fuel firm which supplies the Western and Northern isles have agreed to explain their pricing structure.
HERE is one way that supposedly old-fashioned newsprint beats the Internet. American scientists have discovered a novel bacterial strain, dubbed "TU-103," that can use paper to produce butanol, a biofuel that can serve as a substitute for petrol.
THE Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) plans to take wave energy to the next level with a project to design and demonstrate a low-cost wave energy converter system.
BILLIONAIRE businessman Donald Trump has written to Alex Salmond for a second time, objecting to plans to build an offshore windfarm near his luxury golf resort.
COUNCILLORS have urged their colleagues to continue lobbying the UK Government to reveal when householders can benefit from a renewable energy scheme.
DEMAND for wood to heat homes and businesses and generate power is surging as people look for cheaper fuels.
REPRESENTATIVES from Australia's oil and gas industry were in Aberdeen yesterday to learn more about training in the sector.
Renewable energy in the far north is expected to be one of the main beneficiaries of a development fund.
Scottish marine energy company Aquamarine Power said today it had received £7million of fresh funding to develop its technology.