Geoff Holmes is chief executive of Talisman Sinopec Energy UK
What made you get into a career in oil and gas?
I had a natural love of maths, chemistry and physics and studied engineering at the University of Aberdeen. When I left school after sixth year, I had no contacts in the oil industry but it was an obvious place to work. It was in the days before iPhones and the internet, so I worked through the phone book and wrote to every oil company in Aberdeen.I started out with BP, in a filing job in their engineering department and, after finishing university, I joined Shell’s drilling department. They welcomed me with open arms and I was hooked!
What advice do you have for youngsters?
While I always encourage people to make the most of their education, not everyone will go straight to university. So, no matter what you decide to do, have passion and determination – and you will succeed.
If you didn’t work in this sector, what would be your dream job?
I am very passionate about education and my dream job would be to ensure that every school in the country has great leadership in place to inspire excellence and that every young person has an equal chance to capture life’s great opportunities.
What would be your dream car to drive?
I drive my dream car – a Range Rover Vogue. I need something with a huge boot. I live with four women and two dogs – need I say more?
If you were king for a day what would you do?
I would give a free musical instrument to every child. When I was younger, my mum was brilliantly supportive of my interest in music and I learned to play the cornet.
What’s the scariest thing you have ever done?
Going on the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit Roller Coaster at Universal Studios in Florida. It is 17 stories high and you travel at 65mph. My 12-year-old daughter persuaded me to go on it, and I’ll never go on it again!
Why is energy such an exciting sector to get into?
On our doorsteps, here in Aberdeen, is an industry that has become a world centre of excellence in offshore engineering. We’ve only produced about half of the oil in the North Sea so far, which means there are up to 24billion barrels of oil yet to be taken out of the sea bed here in the UK sector.The industry is booming and is very hungry for talent, and the possibilities are endless.
Tell us a random, unexpectedfact about you.
I was a Ten Pound Pom! When I was two, I emigrated to Australia with my mum and dad under the scheme which allowed British people to travel to Australia for only £10 (children went free!).The idea was that it would help to boost Australia’s population but we only lived there for 11 months as my mum preferred the chilly Aberdeenshire climate.
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