A search for 13 people on board a North Sea helicopter which crashed earlier today have been presumed dead.
The Norwegian JRCC which had been leading the operation to search for those on the flight has confirmed its search has now been stood down.
The rescue operation was formally stopped at 5pm Norwegian time.
It’s understood 11 bodies have been found, while the search continues for the other two passengers.
The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office has confirmed one British national died in the crash, while it’s understood there were 11 Norwegian’s and one Italian.
Redningsaksjon formelt avsluttet nå kl 17:00. Alle 13 POB antatt omkommet. SEAO fortsetter i regi av PD Vest @Hordalandpoliti
— HRS Sør-Norge (@HRSSorNorge) April 29, 2016
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