The UK energy secretary has said he is “determined” to address high electricity transmission charges and speed up renewable energy schemes on the islands.
Last month, Ed Davey announced plans to set up a special taskforce to look into concerns that green energy schemes on the islands could be jeopardised by the cost of transmitting the power.
The steering group will meet for the first time today, including representatives from the UK and Scottish governments, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, the island councils and the transmission companies.
Mr Davey told the Press and Journal: “The key thing is to get the information to see what can be done.
“I’m not going to pre-judge the work but I was determined to try to get a response to this. It had been going on for a long time as far as I could see.
“The best way to do that so everyone has ownership to the final decisions and solutions is to get everyone around the table.”
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