Melissa Fleming, UN under-secretary-general for global communications reported last month about how the UN has partnered with Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) to manipulate search results on climate change. “We own the science,” said Fleming, who has no meaningful scientific training.
The purpose of the new research paper by Linda Stephen and myself is to throw light on the implications of “lower for longer oil prices” on long term activity in the UKCS to 2050. The oil price scenarios employed are $50 and $60 in real terms. For the year 2050 these translate into $96.1 and $115.3 in money-of-the day terms. The price scenarios are not forecasts.
The new chairwoman of UK Onshore Oil and Gas (UKOOG) has claimed women are opposed to fracking because they “don’t understand” it.
Averil Macdonald made the remarks after research showed men are nearly twice as likely to support fracking.
According to reports in the Times, the leading scientist said women were more likely to form their opinions on a “gut reaction”.
A pressure group for the unconventional oil and gas industry in the UK has hailed the appointment of a leading science educator to spearhead efforts to reassure communities that fracking is safe.
Ukoog, which also represents the interests of other uncoventional onshore oil and gas plays, has appointed Professor Averil Macdonald as its chair.
Professor Macdonald is Emeritus Professor of Science Engagement at the University of Reading and a board member of WISE (Women in Science and Engineering), consultant director of Highbury College, and was chair of the Expert Group for Women in Science until 2015.
The news that so many girls growing up in Scotland don’t think they are smart enough or too weak to pursue a STEM career is a wake-up call for everyone involved in helping these young women make choices about their future.