The Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult has announced a supply chain programme aimed at helping Scotland’s island and coastal communities benefit from the offshore wind industry.
The Fit for Offshore Renewables (F4OR) Island programme will offer fully-funded, expert support to help eligible companies succeed in the offshore wind industry, both at home and abroad.
It builds on ORE Catapult’s Fit for Offshore Renewables (F4OR) programme, which was established in 2019.
Director of development and operations at ORE Catapult Andy Macdonald said: “Scotland’s islands have a proud history of technology innovation and engineering prowess coupled with an enviable depth of specialist expertise gained servicing the oil and gas sector. They are therefore ideally equipped to make the transition to the growing offshore wind sector and we would encourage companies developing innovative technology solutions to apply for this latest programme.”
The new programme has been tailored to better fit the business demographics of Scottish island and coastal-based businesses, with changes to the entry requirements to make it more accessible and plans to deliver more support at the winning businesses’ operational locations to reduce the need for travel.
Up to ten companies will be selected to join the F4OR Island programme.
Under the F4OR programme, companies undergo a rigorous evaluation process comprising health and safety standards, environmental sustainability practices, project management capabilities and financial stability, as well as their applicability to the renewable energy market.
The project is being delivered in partnership with the developers of four major Scottish offshore wind farm projects – MachairWind, Spiorad na Mara, Stoura and Arven.
ScottishPower Renewables’ MachairWind development lead Kiera Wilson said: “It’s great to be working with ORE Catapult and fellow ScotWind developers to bring this exciting opportunity to life for our island and coastal communities.
“We know from speaking to many local businesses in the vicinity of our MachairWind wind farm – located off the coast of Islay and Colonsay – that there is a huge amount of interest in how they can make the most of their fantastic skills, capabilities and experience to tap into the offshore wind industry and join us in delivering a clean energy future. I would urge all eligible businesses to apply and I’m excited to see who comes forward.”