AS THE FPAL evolution progresses, free supplier training sessions continue to be held at the Aberdeen office. The training sessions offer suppliers an opportunity to learn how they can fully utilise FPAL and understand the potential benefits offered through the system’s associated services.
FPAL was originally developed for the industry by the industry and has continued to assist in streamlining procurement practices. Today the system matches the needs of more than 80 purchasing organisations with the capabilities of more than 2,500 suppliers.
The organisation’s training sessions take about two hours and cover all FPAL processes while providing the opportunity to ask any questions. The course focuses on:
Providing an overview of FPAL.
Detailing the registration process.
Describing the Capability Assessment process.
Defining Performance Feedback and Benchmarking.
Explaining opportunities achieved through Notice.
Describing the Verify process.
Joining the Global Oil&Gas Directory.
Answering questions.
Ross Haston, operations director of Capital Solutions, who attended a session in June, said: “I travelled a long way to attend the course but found it very useful indeed. In fact, it has highlighted that we have lots of things we need to do to become effective users.”
Dates available for the Aberdeen sessions include July 22, July 29, August 19, August 26, September 9, September 23, October 7, October 21, November 4 and November 18.
If your organisation would benefit from a more in-depth knowledge of the FPAL system, call +44(0) 1224 337500, or e-mail Hazel.Anderson@fpal.com