A WINDFARM developer yesterday denied claims that the land they want to build on could lead to a “catastrophic failure” of the turbines.
RWE-npower Renewables wants to build 410ft turbines at Allt Duine on the Alvie, Dalraddy and Dunachton estates.
The 31 turbines would be sited just 440 yards from the Cairngorms National Park’s western boundary.
Andrew Highton, who previously worked for the British Geological Survey and now runs his own consultancy, said there was a potential for “catastrophic failure” of the turbines because of the poor condition of the land.
Mr Highton said he surveyed the area during the 1990s while working on a 1:50,000 scale map for the Monadhliath and Central Highland areas for BGS and that it was prone to deep weathering effect which reduces the strength of the bedrock.
He claimed last night the developers “have not done their research” because of information contained in their environmental impact statement.
“The statement says that the bedrock geology is not deemed to be particularly unusual or have any significant value in geological terms,” he said.
“But the area has been debated about by geologists for the past 20 odd years. It is an area that is integral to the understanding of the development of geology in not only the Highlands but Scotland also.
“So to say it has no importance is just fabrication. It just shows that these people have not done their homework.”
Mr Highton also said the area was prone to earthquakes in the past with two in the 90s of magnitude 2.2 and 2.7.
“We just don’t know if a turbine could withstand that magnitude. I don’t think any developer has ever been asked to prove their turbines could withstand an earthquake,” he added.
A spokeswoman for RWE-npower Renewables said last night: “The Allt Duine site is not subject to any international or national geological interest.
“A geology assessment was commissioned as part of the environmental impact assessment and further site investigations to identify rock strength and the extent of any weathering will be undertaken at each turbine location if the windfarm is consented and prior to any construction.”