Developers of a major gas storage project in Northern Ireland have claimed victory after a judicial review rules in favour of the scheme.
Project backer Harland & Wolff (AIM:HARL) confirmed on Thursday that a High Court in Belfast had ruled in favour of the plans at Islandmagee, after a challenge was lodged last year by local campaigners.
No Gas Caverns and Friends of the Earth NI had initiated the review, seeking to overturn the decision of former Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs [DAERA] minister Edwin Poots to authorise the construction of the development.
The four-day hearing began in May, with final results issued on 31 August.
The £450m project – the only large-scale gas storage project on the island of Ireland – aims to store gas within seven salt caverns approximately 1,500m beneath Larne Lough, near Ballylumford.
Capable of storing up to 500 million cubic metres, the facility would hold enough gas to provide security of supply for up to 14 days, developers say.
Approval and licensing for Islandmagee was granted in 2021, however challenges have held up progress.
Studies have also indicated the facility could be used for hydrogen storage, though further investment in excess of around £160m would be required.
Yet opponents contend that excavation of the caverns would result in hypersaline salt and chemicals being discharged into the sea in a protected marine area near Islandmagee, creating a “dead zone” where no marine life could survive.
In a short statement issued to investors H&W said the company would “assess this judgement in detail” and consider the appropriate next steps, factoring in the findings of the judgement and the interests of its stakeholders.
It expects to make a further announcement on the plans “in due course.”
Campaign ‘far from over’
Opponents said they would consider the judgement before deciding the next steps in their campaign.
Friends of the Earth Northern Ireland director, James Orr, said: “This is an incredibly disappointing judgement for our environment and the local community who have fought so tirelessly against this hugely destructive scheme.
“This project will have a devastating impact on the local environment and wildlife, and significantly increase Northern Ireland’s contribution to the climate crisis.
“But the campaign against these gas caverns is far from over. Our lawyers will carefully consider this judgement before deciding our next steps against this reckless development.
“The companies behind this project are on the wrong side of history. In the midst of a climate emergency, we should be seizing the huge economic benefits that come from focussing on energy efficiency and renewable power – not prioritising more costly and polluting fossil fuel schemes.”
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